House & Garden

House & Garden was an American shelter magazine published by Condé Nast Publications that focused on interior design, entertaining, and gardening.

The magazine was renamed HG with its March 1988 issue, under editor in chief Anna Wintour. Its new emphasis on mixing fashion and interior decoration in its pages led the revamped magazine to be derided as House & Garment by its critics; another derisive sobriquet was Vanity Chair. Wintour became editor in chief of Vogue in 1988; HG ceased publication in 1993.

House & Garden was relaunched in 1995 under editor in chief Dominique Browning; its first issue of its second incarnation was September 1996. Condé Nast Publications announced on 5 November 2007 that the magazine was being closed again, stating that "we no longer believe it is a viable business investment for the company." The magazine's offices closed on 9 November 2007, and its last issue was December 2007.